
Seeing Detail and Color by Profession
Below is a sampling of occupations and the impact our lights are making to help people work smarter, CREATE better, save time and money at the moment of installation.
A recent client using CRS Light's reccomendations. For more gallery photos and the lighting strategy, click here. |
- Artists, Art Directors, Digital Printers: Are you seeing another color scheme when you take your artwork in the sunlight? Our lights offer a continual, northern light source. When there are windows letting the ever-changing outdoor light in, such as light effected by the weather, and of course the dark of the night—the lumens will change from session to session. The lights cast a steady light. CRS Light's color-correct light also helps you to see a wide color range and pastel subtleties for illustrating and seeing reference.
- Auto Body, Booth Operators, Auction Houses: Light bays: pre-work inspection, (huge) and color specifying light bays.Great for color mixing areas. True color and details can't be seen in poor light. If you are getting redo's or job returns, this can be an indicator that there's a lighting problem.Whether spraying paint, proofing, inspecting or creating color, great light makes a difference and pay for themselves in the savings from redo's or imperfections not called out or identified. Auto Paint chip comparison photos.
- Call Center or Office Personnel: By reducing ACTH and Cortisol levels with our lights, stress, eyestrain and headaches are reduced. More comfort offered by ease of seeing.
- Carpenters, Woodworkers. Are you seeing another color of stain when you take your work piece in the sunlight? Great light gives you the advantage to see clearly the subtle affects stain and finishes have on wood. Great for creation, matching, and repair.
- Designers, Creative Directors: Are you seeing another color scheme when you take your art in the sunlight?..it's not what you imagined? See the true-color effect that you are looking for as you design and compare color. Helps in seeing a wide color range and pastel subtleties for illustrating and seeing reference. Benefit from the time you save in color selection. Excellent lighting can positively affect the creation and presentation process. Also see "Film Makers" description below.
- Dental Offices and Labs: Traditional Dentists, Cosmetic Dentists, Dental Assistants, Hygienists, Office Personnel: See detail, records, computer screens better. Color take-offs are faster, more productive chair time with less rework. Eliminates need to run to the window to check color matching. Patients look and feel better. One Dentist gave a testimonial that he changed his normal color range from A to C after installing our lights. (Sponsored Hinman Show)
- Doctors, Medical Professionals: Provides a benchmark in helping to see truer skin color for illness diagnosis. Eliminates yellow/greenish cast from older and/or poor lighting. Staff experience less eyestrain in color-correct light as charting appears more defined. LED lights don't have UV or UVA radiation emissions.
- Film Makers: Large and small are discovering that CRS's color-correct LED 4' lights are perfect for saving HUGE in time and money. Editing/color balancing time is greatly reduced as colors are constant. Having the same lighting throughout your facility captures subtle flesh/makeup tones, hair color, cloths/color coordination, set or settings all appear as designed.
- Fire and Rescue: When you are in the Emergency business you want to be on top of your game. You don't need to be wore out from poor lighting. Whether taking calls or giving orders, being clear on communications helps all involved. And, a side benefit, your workplace looks "on and ready," clean and professional.
- Facility Managers: Provide a healthier, more cheerful environment. Reduces headache and eyestrain complaints. Bring out colors in furnishings and design. We constantly hear from our clients that when a visitor comes by they ask; "Did you paint or put skylights in"? Our natural-spectrum light goes a long way.
- Galleries and Art Restoration Departments: Increases overall color viewing light evenly. Color-correct light has penetrating capabilities which helps in the restoration process. Helps in seeing a wider color range and ps of tradional box store fluorescent lightingastel subtleties for restoration and referencing. Our lights emit no UVA and UVB rays.
- Interior Design and Home Furnishings Professionals: Our color correct lights show off what designers designed. Poor lighting hides color, impact and excitement generated through great design. "Tale of Two Couches" article communicates a serious vulnurability poor lighting creates.
- IT Departments: relief from symptoms created by tremendous and continuous eyestrain.
- Inspection operations: defects, workpiece finish consistency and color matching.
- Make-up and Hair Beauticians: Client skin and hair colors remain true. Clients looks healthier with clearer tones, teeth even appear whiter. Impact is impressive! We 100% guarantee it! No surprises for clients when they go outdoors.
- Machine Operators: can see micrometers, indicators, gauges, parts, finishes, and prints better. Less part rework.great for part-to-part consistancy. More on metal.
- Media Departments: match color better, reduce screen glare significantly. See "Film Makers" description above.
- Optomotrists and Opthamologists: Our amazing eye's 7,000,000 cones helping to convert vast imagery to code and 120,000,000 rods in place for safety and focusing capabilities can leave us speechless in awe and wonder. The miracle of sight enhanced by highy quality light can remedy more than meets the eye. (continued)
- Office workers: complaints of headaches and eyestrain go away and people see and feel better.
- Paint matching technicians: Such as auto body shop, factory paint area paint booths. Easier and more accurate color matching because of the penetrating quality light cuts through layers to reflective base. Spray out time reduced means efficiencies in material usage, speed and accuracy in color matching, less airborne chemicals and less redo time. Consistent color viewing at night, cloudy and overcast days. See prep work better. Great for Inspection operations; defects and part to part color matching.
- Pharmacists: can read small text better, look on and off computer screens easier, reduces eyestrain and gives a cheerful professional look.
- Photographers: transparencies and prints can be viewed in true color. Clients experience photographer's intended colors accuratey. Helps in seeing a wider color range and pastel subtleties for photo retouching and photo referencing. Also see "Film Makers" description above.
- Police and Emergency: When you are in the Emergency business you want to be on top of your game. You don't need to be wore out from poor lighting. Whether taking calls or giving orders, being clear on communications helps all involved. And, a side benefit, your workplace looks alive, clean and professional.
- Printers: can please even the most pickiest art directors and clients by allowing them to see true color anywhere in the shop or meeting room.
- Retailers: Whether your 're displaying fabric, furniture or diamonds, these lights give the magic glow that looks incredible close up or from the street. The penetrating light brings out the beauty that was intended by the product designer. One retailer replaced one row with these lights. He tracked sales of the row before the new lights were installed and after. Although this test was not scientific, he experienced a 30% increase in sales in that row!
- Students: Students are less agitated, higher and sustained concentration levels. Helps ADHD students.
- Teachers: Lessened eye strain and headaches, reduced glare on screens and erase boards. See our testimonial page!
- Veterinary Clinics: With the tyranny of the urgent in play, lighting updates can get left behind leaving dim lights and multi-colored ceiling lights which can make your clinic look unkept. The new LED lamps are quite impressive in illuminocity and longevity. You can even get rid of those pesky ballasts if you'd like. Jim can fill you in on some animal safety tips during installation and fixture conversion.
According to Dr. Sam Berman,* our eyes respond better to full-spectrum light. Color-correct light or full-spectrum light offers a color temperature unlike any in the industry. CRS Light's are the closest to natural light at the best price you can find today. Our color correct lights are featured at the Smithsonian Institute. If you are a professional and need to see detail and color clearly and accurately, then these lights will save you time and money in improved productivity..we guarantee it!
*Sam Berman is presently senior scientist emeritus at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). He was the originator and the first leader of the lighting research program. Before joining LBNL, he was professor of physics at Stanford University, where he was a member of the team that founded the Stanford Linear Accelerator.
Light, fixture and color comparison chart.
About seeing through transluscent layers acurately.
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