CRS Light has been providing color-correct or full-spectrum light since 1999. We started with one of the champs in the color-correct arena, the True Lite fluorescent. As fluorescents are presently getting discontinued, specific color-correct, full-spectrum LED’s test out fairly well, however, each light has its pros and cons. Once you know these, you’ll know which way to go to keep in great light.
The comparison table below is broken down for the full-spectrum market. It also easliy applies to those responsible for lighting for others. Light that tests out closest to natural-light spectrums, are far better for our minds and bodies. In short, our bodies know what to do with natural light. One example: our pupils dilate correctly under excellent light. When our pupils fail to open properly in a skewed lighting environment, health problems ensue. If the pupils open too much or too little, that's when vision discomfort kick in leading to vision headaches, fatigue, irratability, and other health disorders.
Color-correct, full-spectrum light has been a benchmark for seeing and well being with fluorescent light. Most LED light manufactures don't know about this specific spectrum. However, as awareness continues to rise, we are getting bulbs made to our desired specs. Below is a chart of some of today's LED bulbs. If you would like to see the spectrum charts of where CRS Light is heading... click here.
Please feel free to contact me at any time to help walk you through your lighting update and a fixture conversion process. I can be reached at 888-572-3899.
Your lighting guru,
Jim Kraft

Accuracy, Kelvin/CRI All you’ll ever want to know about light to light differentiation can be found at: A “10” rating is my top rating in the artificial light world.
Animate: This light quality feature captures the extremely subtle differences in the hue of pastels. Variables include the lights ability to penetrate translucent color layers all the way down to a base layer, then reflect back the “real” color. The light’s ability to create vibrancy to color. A “10” rating is my top rating in the artificial light world.
Ambience: Provides a soothing, white-light environment while still maintaining a cheery atmosphere. Vision comfort. A “10” rating is my top rating.
** Glare: How much light or glare is reflected on your work surface. This is important in seeing color when you have shiny or wet surfaces and you need to see subtle color differences. A “0” rating is my top glare rating in reflective light.
Life/Hours: The average life of a bulb. Fluorescents should be changed out every 3-4 years for optimum seeing. An LED can go 8-11 years depending on specific daily usage, steady current, dust levels, usage temperature. A side note: LED’s maintain their brightness in chilled weather where fluorescents loose brightness.
Cost Comparison: Based on a small size order, a price difference would look close to this. Even though a 4,’ T8 fluorescent light tube cost close to $10 a tube, you can use this base price to give some sort of a cost comparison.
Energy Usage: This is the watts used per lamp. When a fixture utilizes a ballast, the ballast, on average, will use 7 watts per two lamps used. Ballasts also need to be replaced and create heat, which in warmer climates will increase your cooling costs. The new LED’s can be used with or without ballasts, giving you the choice of a quick rewire, or just popping in the bulbs.
Fixture Conversion Required: Most fixtures in place are usually in relatively good shape. Along with a bulb change-out, the lens covers just need to be wiped down or replaced, this usually happens a few at a time. New construction is a different story. Prewired for LED fixtures are now available along with LED troffers, panel lights, etc. The best way to explain a fixture conversion is to visit this link and scroll down to the bottom of the page for a schematic. Note this is an un-shunted receptacle application. Our LED “Contender 3” works in several wiring schematics with and without ballast scenarios for easy and convenient conversions. Contender 4 needs a direct wire hook-up using an un-shunted receptacle.
* The True Lite fluorescent light is no longer be manufactured. The existing inventory will be sold up until March 15, 2018.This is listed because it gives us a benchmark to achieve and maybe one day surpass.
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