Spectrum Light is the Way to Go! We Guarantee Your Satisfaction!
Seeing better
with color-correct, full spectrum light.
The headaches,
eyestrain, and increased irritability, many people are experiencing
today may likely be caused by artificial light. (Some
of our Testimonials).This light comes from common cool-white
flourescents and the computer screen. But those are not the only
problems these lights may be causing. Most people don't realize
scientific tests prove that common cool-white fluorescents affect
emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Most office and institutional
buildings use the outdated cool-white fluorescent bulbs. The narrow-light
spectrum (unnatural light) and the flicker these older bulbs
and ballasts produce, along with the flickering light computer screens
generate, play havoc on eyes and produce negative physiological
effects. The result -- people tire more easily, experience difficulty
concentrating, make more mistakes, and become more irritable.
Many of us manage the water we drink, the air we breathe and now
with the scientic evidence
we can manage the light that enters our bodies. Many people that
are sensitive to light know something is wrong but can't identify
what is happening. Different qualities of light act as triggers
to set off our glands in our endocrine system. This is where the
stress and relax hormones are produced. ACTH and cortisol are two
stress hormone chemicals that are triggered by the cool-white color temperature found in traditional fluorescent lighting fixtures. The chemicals
try to balance out the system but with relentless day in and day
out exposure to bad light, the disturbing symptoms described above
It's no wonder
why kids today under bad light get agitated and are behaving sometimes
rather disturbingly. It's the same with adults in stressfull office
situations. Just take a common retail settting..how many times have you wanted to get out of a store because you were feeling extreme anxiety? The next time you are in a strore that gives you this feeing, try shading your eyes as a common ball cap visor would and see if the axiety lifts immediatly. It will!
A German doctor,
dedicated over 30 years in research in effects of light on man and
animal and wrote a book with over 450 references from other Doctors
on this subject. Most doctors that participate in this burganing
field agree that much more research is needed. Many tests are in
process now because of the acceptance of the light influence in
our bodies. Many types of illness are using light as a treatment.
Some are S.A.D., PMS, common and winter depression. Research is
needed to be conducted to verify logical conclusions to what happens
to humans with high levels of cortisol. E.G.; Cushing's disease
or gland disorders. These topics should be researched as well.
The rods and
cones in our eyes, triggered by healthy light, tell our pupils to
dialate, which makes it easier to focas. Bright light alone will
not do this correctly, but a controlled color temperature found
in our full-spectrum bulbs will.
The bulbs are
worth it just for appearence. Our testimonials
page states users like that the yellow/green cast is gone and
people think that the office was just painted or new fixtures were
installed. Colors are clear, brite, and refreshing.
Office and factory
workers, buyers, facility managers, dentists, hygienists, retailers, eduaction, medical
field, emergency rooms, dispatch or call centers, architects, editors, engineers, stock brokers, graphic artists,
or anyone who has an eye-intensive job or stress inducing environment
and spends his or her day under standard fluorescent lighting, have
already discovered the positive effects of full-spectrum replacement
light bulbs.
Our links page has different recycling "made easy" recycling centers. This organization http://www.lamprecycling.com/ will send you a box or you can use the box the lights come to to send to these centers. This effort helps our country to keep "going green".
Joy of Seeing Colors!
Color for Professionals
Does Light Go Beyond Vision?
Our Bulbs and Glare
Our Bulbs and UV Radiation
Children and Light
Seniors and Light
Light and Animals
© 1999-2025 CRS Light