Color correct light, Full spectrum light full spectrum light bulbs full spectrum lighting full spectrum lights spectrum lighting natural spectrum light bulbs fluorescent lighting balanced spectrum lighting spectrum light bulb natural light,  review and comparison charts, full spectrum light for sad full spectrum fluorescent light natural light bulbs natural lamp light full color spectrum lighting full spectrum fluorescent lighting phillips natural light studio lighting natural light tubular skylight true light showroom lighting full spectrum fluorescent light bulbs natural spectrum light natural light source natural light light bulbs
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led boxing ring

New, Wallpack/sconce decorative light shield, a CRS Light Exclusive!

light shield for wall pack

The light fixture shield was designed to conseal an outdoor wallpack used inside in areas with high ceilings. The wall pack has needed features not found in interior ones, including much better pricing.

This gives the interior a new look. Also, rim glares can be a distraction as well and this eliminates them.

These are 3D printed with a stone/concrete finish on the center section with transluscent material on the side sections. Any combination can be used.

The light shield comes with hanging clips.


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  Why use CRS Light's, color-correct, full spectrum LED or fluorescent tube, flood or spot lights?...
25year aniv logo    


br color correct pic

NOTE: Please see our "NEW and Smart" section below, breaking news!

Our quality assured lights can be up to half the cost of our competitors. We don't try to dazzle our customers with high-tech, animated presentations that require an engineering degree to interpret them. Our lights are measured by the Design Light Consorteum (DLC), a third party rating company, so you can trust that we deliver accurate lighting to meet your needs. At CRS Light, you get straight data, period.

For 25 years our main purpse is to offer our customers quality lighting at a fair price so they can see clearly and accurately. When your profession's bottom line is related to how well you can see true color and detail, CRS Light is the answer.


Each industry benefits differently from our lights. Please visit our Professionals Served page to see if yours is listed to get more information on how we can meet your needs. If you would like us to research your specific industry on possibilities, drop us an email.

CRS Light, your trusted light sourse since 2000


light traveling through tooth layers pic
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  car piclight bay
Refective color is an influence when color matching. When light bounces off the top layer of a tooth, the tooth's color won't be true. Even the reflection from a bright rubber glove can throw off the color match. If the light spectrum is poor, the real tooth color may not be seen. Bleach shades are easier identified with color-correct light.
For Light Bay or Light Wall info, click here.
Just as humidity can influence paint temperamant when trying to get a great paint job, so can lighting. Observing your work under a consistent lighting benchmark can help. Color correct light allows you to illuminate shadows and see detail more clearly. The penetrating light of color correct bulbs can help during paint mixing and spray blending and are perfect for your spray booths.

Click here to see if your field is listed.

We've added Commercial Lighting to our Color-Correct light line! Also, we have Par and BR floods that are Kelvin selectable AND 90+ CRI ratings.
  commercial LED lights

25 Years of light recommendations at your finger tips!

Navigating the sea of LED choices can be daunting. LED manufactures are continually coming out with better and better products.

Our role at CRS Light is getting you connected to the right product for your needs. Our experience in 76 markets alongside Lighting Certified (LC) professionals helps us to make sure you have the right lights at the right price for your job.

Our specialty is lighting updates. Over time we can slowly get used to diminishing light levels in our workplace until one day something happens and we realize how bad it is and that something needs to be done.

Whether it's inside or out, the lighting elephant squeezes himself into our space and eventually demands our attention.

Let CRS Light help you with that.


elephant waving flag w/ old light fixtures


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graphic eye and magnif glass


See the subtle softness of light pastels to the richness of deep multi-layered translucent colors—from creation to finish inspection. Hobbiest Link

Other natural light benefits:

Your eyes know how to process natural light so give them the best light possible!
CRS color correct light:
• Increases productivity by reducing fatigue caused by eyestrain.
• Ideal for finish inspection and achieving part-to-part consistency.

Medical professionals can easily see the subtle changes in skin color.

Colors are enhanced: whites are whiter and blacks are blacker. The environment is balanced and bright. Even skin and hair color are enhanced. You will feel, look and see better. Reading is easier as pupils respond better to a natural spectrum resulting in reduced headaches and eyestrain.



New and Smart...

March 10, 2025

rotating highbay image

Rotatable high bays now in. You can direct up to 31,000 lumens just where you want it. Call or email for details.

br bulb pic

New! Very excited! This just came out. I am so glad mfg's are finally getting the hint about the many benifits of a high CRI light. We just sold our first BR30 color-correct LED flood lights for everday can lights! These are way awesome...92+ CRI, adjustable CCT, 10 watts, 950 lumens and dimmable.

Light Bay and Light Wall Concept:

light bay


Ubents Abound!

Our 6" x24" Ubent LED abounds with 3 CCT levels: 3.5K, 4K, 5K, 2000 Lumen, fits 2'x2' troffer. 13 watt, replaces 30 watt fluorescent. Uses existing compatable ballast or wire direct bypassing ballast.

ubend multiple cct

4 new floods and spots are now availaible. 95 CRI and 5000 Kelvin benchmarks assures your lighting consistancy—no more patchwork lighting from different fixtures with different light spectrums. Send pic via text of existing lamp and we will match it up. 440-749-85four5.

color correct spots and floods fullspectrum

New Designer LED Linear 4' Light, has 90+ CRI rating with adjustable Kelvin with 4800 Lumens. Efficiently replaces 2 lamp fixture. Life hours: 54,000, 5-Year limited warranty. Ht.: 5.34", 1.59". Comes with 5' power cord and aircraft cables for pendant mounting. Wall mount brackets sold seperatly.

Designer color correct full spectrum  Light fixture

LED Ready 4' , 4 lamp light fixtures

Check this out.

New LED Wall Pack has 2 adjustable light panels for 2 seperate light dispersions. Great for broader safety without the cost of adding costly poles.

adjustable wal pack

New T5 LED reaches new brightness in 3700 lumen output, adjustable to 3 light levels.

Rated for 60,000 hours. Single or double ended bypass installation.

Study Proves Full Spectrum LED's Outperform Standard LED Lighting.
Click here for more info.

New LED 95 CRI Replaces 60 watt Incandescent A19 traditional light bulb.

full spectrum LED A19 bulb pic

CRS Light has been providing color-correct light since 2000. You can be sure you'll get the latest in technology offerings.

Color mixing and creative industries really appreciate being able to see color accurately. Nothing is more frustrating than having your vision altered when lighting is off spectrum.

Finally, coming soon! An incandecent color-correct light bulb we can confidently recommend in array of Kelvin ratings.

A new Par 38 LED light just came out which offers 3000 Lumens. We have the 2000 Lumen version of these installed in a cathedral. The new Par 38 would be great for many higher ceiling applications.

Our 8' T8 LED single pin still has the highest CRI and Lumen combo. A typical fluorescent single pin has a 4500-5200 Lumen emission range. Ours is 5690 running at 39 watts instead of 75 watts. Another difference is ballasts are no longer needed as these wire direct. For those near colder temperatures— LED lamps put out 100% brightness in colder weather. Fluorescents turn on at 35% of their lumen rating. We can get simular 8' lamps in RDC.




Other helpful links:

For a markets served list, click here.

For light spectrum charts click here.

For our new incandescent replacement with a 95 CRI, 5000K spectrum click here.

Individuals in the dental automotive, education,home furnishings, design, carpentry, arts, and corporate fields are just a few of the professionals that have discovered that using our quality lights can provide a more productive working environment, reduce costly redos and help to increase retail sales as colors are accurately displayed as intended for impact.

Comparison Review is in. Click here.

For testimonial regarding the benefits of dentists and labs doing restorations under the same lights click here

dentist and lab lights



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  * Flourescent light bans are currently in effect in Vermont. Bans in California, Colorado, Rhode Island, Hawaii, and Maine will begin 1-1-25. Beat the rush and make the switch now to color-correct/full spectrum LED replacements from CRS Light.



Good science proves that quality light can dramatically affect our ability to see, our mood and our physical well-being. Color is designed and used with a purpose in mind—good lighting helps you to see the designer's intention. If productivity and vision are important to you, try our lights and see the difference good light can make!


What does CRS stand for? Color Rendering Solutions. Good light with a natural spectrum helps your eyes to actually see better. Poor lighting can result in fatigue, eyestrain, headaches, and a loss of focus and concentration.
Many think regular cool white light temperature is the norm because it has become familiar.

Testing by comparison is the best way to see the difference.

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Keywords: Dental, autobody, inspection, natural LED light, super high CRI, Color correct LED light tubes T8 4', 8' T8 Wired-direct, 8' LED Light tubes,natural spectrum light, full-spectrum light bulbs, LED light comparison photos, LED brand comparison reviews, we have all your color-correct lighting needs handled at We offer high quality full-spectrum light and solutions for those who seek natural light for their office, work or home environment. Our full color spectrum lighting is easy on the eyes and will allow for better health and less headaches and eyestrain brought on by regular fluorescent lighting. It's even healthier for animals, check out our animals link.

Normal fluorescent lighting is typically of inferior design and manufacture compared to the quality of ourthe natural light bulbs. At we make sure that your order of full-spectrum light bulbs will be processed and shipped in a timely manner.

Spectrum lighting is widely used in many applications where vision quality comes first. You can also use full-spectrum fluorescent light as showroom lighting, studio lighting, or anywhere where you wish to have true light or full color spectrum lighting. Our original full-spectrum lights are featured at the Smithsonian Institute. An excellent spectrum in fluorescent light makes a significant difference in enhancing your vision. We offer natural light in tube form. You can buy our natural and full-spectrum light bulbs by the box, case, or truckload. Whatever your lighting needs, will make sure you see clearly. Our natural light bulbs are of the highest quality and can even help to increase productivity among your employees. Industry shows that balanced spectrum lighting will help release tension and reduce glare that wears out the eyes caused by fluorescent lighting. Give your eyes a break and a treat all at the same time, and order full-spectrum fluorescent light bulbs from CRS Light today!

© 1999-2025 CRS Light


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Keywords: Color correct lighting, natural spectrum light, full-spectrum light bulbs, we have all your color-correct lighting needs handled at We offer high quality full-spectrum light and solutions for those who seek natural light for their office, work or home environment. Our full color spectrum lighting is easy on the eyes and will allow for better health and less headaches and eyestrain brought on by regular fluorescent lighting.

Normal fluorescent lighting is typically of inferior design and manufacture compared to the quality of ourthe natural light bulbs. At we make sure that your order of full-spectrum light bulbs will be processed and shipped in a timely manner.

Spectrum lighting is widely used in many applications where vision quality comes first. You can also use full-spectrum fluorescent light as showroom lighting, studio lighting, or anywhere where you wish to have true light or full color spectrum lighting. Our original full-spectrum lights are featured at the Smithsonian Institute. An excellent spectrum in fluorescent light makes a significant difference in enhancing your vision. We offer natural light in tube form. You can buy our natural and full-spectrum light bulbs by the box, case, or truckload. Whatever your lighting needs, will make sure you see clearly. Our natural light bulbs are of the highest quality and can even help to increase productivity among your employees. Industry shows that balanced spectrum lighting will help release tension and reduce glare that wears out the eyes caused by fluorescent lighting. Give your eyes a break and a treat all at the same time, and order full-spectrum fluorescent light bulbs from CRS Light today!

© 1999-2024 CRS Light

sample photos of pole light in use dual panel rotable wall pack led light link