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  Are your computer terminals
with PHI in plain view?

The American Health Information Management Association estimates that an average of 150 people from nursing staff to X-ray technicians to billing clerks, have access to a patient's medical records during a typical hospitalization. A number of these utilize computer terminals which are in public view.

Our Computer Privacy filters help you to comply with HIPAA Privacy Rules.

Putting Patient's Health Records in or near public view is in violation of HIPPA. Choices are limited and remodeling can be expensive. CRS Light recommends the use of Computer Privacy Filters. You can avoid costly remodeling by installing our filters. When a computer screen has our filter on, only the operator can see the screen. The peripheral viewing angles see dark black. This offers complete privacy for users that can't readily shut down the computer when unauthorized people are nearby.

We cannot furnish samples. Single purchases are welcome and are fully guaranteed. Call for volume pricing. Please contact Jim or Tamara. To order, click here.



Order Filters

Please call toll-free 1-888-572-3899 with your requests or questions

For further information or volume pricing call:
1-888-572-3899, or 216-486-0400. or fax 216-486-3003

E-mail: jim@crslight.com
CRS Light, 2072 East 221st Street, Euclid, OH 44117



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