"Here are a few thoughts about the lights:
- A student who is in vision therapy no longer has red, watery eyes.
- My contacts do not dry out as they did with the old lighting.
Things are more true to color.
Eyes do not feel strained after the school day.
- Plant growth is improving. They are actually greener.
- Behaviors have improved.
- Students are calmer and happier. It is an overall positive feeling
throughout the building.
- The transition from outdoors to indoors is not as drastic; it is more
subtle and gradual".
Principal, New York Elementary School
ordered color-correct lighting for the executive office in our company.
The day I had them installed (16 overhead ) everyone was stopping
in to see what was making the room so bright, one employee asked
if we got new curtains! Our offices are in a manufacturing building
and the decor is dark paneling and flooring..WHAT A DIFFERENCE!
My eyestrain disappeared the first day, viewing the computer is
much easier and the main purpose for my switching to color-correct
lighting, which is color matching, has taken the guess work out
of when we have reached the right color sample. I think you have
a great product. Thank you. ".
Los Angeles
read prescriptions, small print, and computer monitors all day,
these natural lights and Glare Guard from CRSLight has eliminated
my discomfort from eyestrain, I will tell anyone who calls about
Tim Williams, Euclid Family Pharmacy, Euclid OH
" I
recently had eye muscle surgery and the strain from the cool-white
fluorescent lights were too much for me. I tried these light's from
CRS and I found much relief immediatly after installation. I put
a high quality glare guard on my computer a week before and that
helped too".
U.S. Gov. Office in Denver
I work work with learning disabled and brain-injured children.
I have to say the lights from CRS Light play a significant part
in treatment and order".
have replaced the cool-white fluorescent lights with CRS Light's
full-spectrum fluorescents lights and the headaches have gone away
in our media department".
Co. for the U.S. Gov. in Florida
" I
installed CRSLight's full-spectrum fluorescent lights after everybody
was gone for the evening, and the the next morning, everyone thought
I repainted the place. They all said it was very cheery. As a dentist
I have to specify teeth color. Most of my color matching was done
in the "A" shade range, now it's in the "C" color range".
in Bunkie Louisiana
" We really like these lights. The principal likes a bright, positive, environment.
Thanks Jim for bringing this issue to our attention."
manager for school and church in Willoughby Hills, OH
" We were
considering adding more light fixtures, but these lights from CRS
Light are much brighter and cheerier than what we have. I can see
into the cabinets better. The green cast is gone on the office walls
and the yellow/smoke like stain is gone as well on the light reflector
shields. We will be ordering more shortly to do the rest of the office."
Payable Manager, Sterling, IL
" I have
changed over to CRS Lights's task lights in our entire metal cutting
and finishing facilities and I will never go back to ambiant lighting
again"! We even put these in our main offices, I can't believe the
Machine Shop, Euclid, OH
" Wow,
seeing is believing. I never thought to look at our light "inside
the building" as one of the elements. Full-spectrum light does make
a difference"!
Cleveland, OH
" The
lights are up in my office and they appear to be much whiter than
the outer offices. The computer glare seems to be cut down considerably".
Tamarac, Florida
" A few
months ago we moved in to our new offices and my new desk positioned
me with my back to a series of windows. Outside of these windows is
a blazing white building that creates an enormous glare on my monitors.
Being a Sys Admin I find myself looking at the monitor all day long,
and this glare was giving me headaches throughout the day. Since I
got and have been using the Glare/Guard I have not had a single monitor
related headache. I have found that this has made me happier and more
productive. Thanks!"
Redwood City, CA
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